【ALIGN】☆ミシェル沖縄☆惑星が並ぶ数百年に一度の奇跡の時期にプロデュース⭐︎ 金運やビジネス運を促す愛と調和の沖縄龍神の御塩入りブレスレット
私たちは、AI とテクノロジーが引き継ぐ世界への準備を進めています。 AIが成長するにつれて、人類はより多くのうつ病を経験することになるでしょう。
自宅、オフィス、店舗の WIFI など、どこにいても 5G 放射線の攻撃を受けています。
半分スピリチュアルで半分科学的。 半分スピリチュアル半分科学ブレスレットです♡
【塩珠~黄金バランス~ 浜比嘉ソルト、ゴールド、水晶】
・御塩(浜比嘉島):「神の島」 強力な守護神・お守り
・金(ゴールド):「富と繁栄」 強力な象徴
・水晶(クリアクォーツ) 「より高いスピリチュアルな受容性」を高める 別名「マスターヒーラー」
スピリチュアルな世界では、 金は、富と繁栄を引き寄せるための儀式に使用されており、それらは豊かさ、成功、目標の達成を表すものと考えられています。
強さ、勇気、自信: タイガーアイはこれらの性質に関連しており、はっきりと見ることができ、幻想を打ち破るのに役立つと言われています。
ビジョン、明晰さ、信念: タイガーアイはビジネスの世界で贈り物として贈られることがあります。
個人の力、意志力、自信: タイガーアイはこれらの資質を高めると言われています。
①Salt from HamaHiga Island “God’s Island” Powerful Spiritual Protector and Talisman
Gold flakes serve as a powerful symbol of wealth and prosperity in the spiritual realm. They are considered representations of abundance, success, and the accomplishment of one’s goals.
In many spiritual practices, these tiny fragments of gold are used in rituals and ceremonies to attract wealth and prosperity, as it is believed their shimmering presence can call forth the energy of the universe to manifest these desires.
gold flakes symbolize the refined and purified essence of life.
Clear quartz, often referred to as the "Master Healer," is known for its ability to clear the mind of negativity and enhance higher spiritual receptiveness.
②Tiger eye
Protection: Tiger's eye is believed to ward off evil and bring good fortune. It's often used as a protective amulet.
Strength, courage, and confidence: Tiger's eye is associated with these qualities, and is said to help you see clearly and pierce through illusions.
Stability: Tiger's eye is said to symbolize stability during turbulent times.
Vision, clarity, and belief: Tiger's eye is sometimes gifted as a present in the business world.
Personal power, willpower, and self-confidence: Tiger's eye is said to enhance these qualities.
Charm and leadership traits: Tiger's eye is said to amplify these traits.
Moderate, strategic, and well grounded: Tiger's eye is said to remind you to be these things before taking action.
Stress relief: Some say that terahertz beads can help relieve stress and promote meditation
Improved concentration: Some say that terahertz beads can help improve concentration
Improved memory: Some say that terahertz beads can help improve memory and knowledge retention
Increased blood circulation: Some say that terahertz beads can increase blood circulation
Stimulated metabolism: Some say that terahertz beads can stimulate metabolism
Rejuvenation: Some say that terahertz beads can rejuvenate.
Terahertz beads are sometimes sold as health-enhancing tools that protect the wearer from radiation and electromagnetic smog.
【Micheiie wisu】
After Covid hit the world economy is all out of balance. First off the radiation by 5G is destroying our bodies. Many people have died since Covid. Many people are also sick from the vaccine. World economy is out of balance. Everything is expensive, many people are loosing their jobs, people are becoming weaker and weaker. We are getting prepared for a world where AI and technology will take over. Humans will go through more depression as AI grows. Due to all this radiation from 5G even woman in their 20’s are having trouble conceiving. Due to that Japans population is dropping quickly, we are loosing Japanese people, if this continues our DNA will become extinct.
WIFI in our homes, offices, stores, everywhere we go we are being attacked by 5G radiation. We cant feel it or see it so I know it’s hard to believe but it’s happening. This is the cause of depression, anxiety, cancers and all sorts of sicknesses. I created this bracelet for everyone to be as healthy as possible with a push of energy from Tera hertz beads. Tera hertz is also known to block radiation. I recommend people who use their phones often or computers often to put this bracelet on for protection from radiation. Tera hertz beads work directly on blood circulation, dirty blood is the cause of all diseases. I hope for everyone’s blood circulation to get better for more clean blood and less diseases, to live a long and fuller life. Circulation is also a big factor in infertility.
This bracelet is designed to push positive energy into your body, and protect you not only from evil spirits but also evil radiation for a more healthier and happier life.
As us Okinawas say half spiritual and half scientific ゆた半分医者半分this bracelet is exactly that.
Half spiritual and half scientific.
Good Luck on everything you do. I pray for all of you. If you feel a calling from my newly designed bracelets please order asap as there is a limit on how many
bracelets will be made. Love and Light.
・Sサイズ 内周15cm(一般女性サイズ)
・Mサイズ 内周17cm(一般男性サイズ)
・Lサイズ 内周19cm(少し大きめの方)