- まーすストーンはアクセサリーとして肌身離さず身に付けられるお守りとして大人気☆
- SNSで大人気の可愛すぎるアクセサリー☆
- まーすストーンはアクセサリーとして肌身離さず身に付けられるお守りとして大人気☆
- SNSで大人気の可愛すぎるアクセサリー☆
好評につき!【販売延長】決定!【大玉】ミシェル沖縄1438塩玉に込めた「愛と祈り」のブレスレット ~悪(ネガティブ)から身を守り・邪気を追い払う!よい波動を引き寄せ運気アップ!

好評につき!【販売延長】決定!【大玉】ミシェル沖縄1438塩玉に込めた「愛と祈り」のブレスレット ~悪(ネガティブ)から身を守り・邪気を追い払う!よい波動を引き寄せ運気アップ!
ミシェル沖縄1438塩玉に込めた「祈りと愛」のブレスレット ~悪(ネガティブ)から身を守り・邪気を追い払う!よい波動を引き寄せ運気アップ!
このブレスレットは、ハイヤーセルフ(自己の高い魂) 、祖先、天使、スピリチュアルなメッセンジャーとつながり、あなたを普遍的なエネルギーと結びつけ、スピリットへの愛を通して、自分自身の中に平和を感じられるようにします。
【塩珠~黄金バランス~ 浜比嘉ソルト、ゴールド、水晶】
・御塩(浜比嘉島):「神の島」 強力な守護神・お守り
・金(ゴールド):「富と繁栄」 強力な象徴
・水晶(クリアクォーツ) 「より高いスピリチュアルな受容性」を高める 別名「マスターヒーラー」
スピリチュアルな世界では、 金は、富と繁栄を引き寄せるための儀式に使用されており、それらは豊かさ、成功、目標の達成を表すものと考えられています。
①Salt from HamaHiga Island “God’s Island” Powerful Spiritual Protector and Talisman
Gold flakes serve as a powerful symbol of wealth and prosperity in the spiritual realm. They are considered representations of abundance, success, and the accomplishment of one’s goals.
In many spiritual practices, these tiny fragments of gold are used in rituals and ceremonies to attract wealth and prosperity, as it is believed their shimmering presence can call forth the energy of the universe to manifest these desires.
gold flakes symbolize the refined and purified essence of life.
Clear quartz, often referred to as the "Master Healer," is known for its ability to clear the mind of negativity and enhance higher spiritual receptiveness.
②Black Onyx
protect against evil and maintain inner balance. It still stands for the power of overcoming challenges, self-control, and determination, making it an important message for those looking for balance in their lives and empowerment.
③represent self-illumination, attraction, positivity, simplicity, and self-awareness love, passion, seasonal change, and departed souls, beauty and mystery
Fireflies glow to protect themselves from predators and how they glow is through an energy chemical reaction from the universe
They also glow to find their lover as well
This bracelet is designed to
Protect and push away evil
To Connect with your higher self, ancestors, angels, and spiritual messengers. This bracelet will also help connect you to universal energy helping you to feel grounded and at peace within yourself through the love of spirit.
Prayers while wearing this bracelet will help make your prayers come true and give you the power to manifest anything you put your mind and energy towards. One thing I ask is never to pray for anything evil against anyone or any situation. I do not except black magic, or evil spells. I ask for you to make prayers on self development, self empowerment, self love, connection with higher vibrations that will lead to positivity in your life , good luck and happiness.
・Sサイズ 内周15cm
・Mサイズ 内周17cm
・Lサイズ 内周19cm
ミシェル沖縄1438塩玉に込めた「祈りと愛」のブレスレット ~悪(ネガティブ)から身を守り・邪気を追い払う!よい波動を引き寄せ運気アップ!
このブレスレットは、ハイヤーセルフ(自己の高い魂) 、祖先、天使、スピリチュアルなメッセンジャーとつながり、あなたを普遍的なエネルギーと結びつけ、スピリットへの愛を通して、自分自身の中に平和を感じられるようにします。
【塩珠~黄金バランス~ 浜比嘉ソルト、ゴールド、水晶】
・御塩(浜比嘉島):「神の島」 強力な守護神・お守り
・金(ゴールド):「富と繁栄」 強力な象徴
・水晶(クリアクォーツ) 「より高いスピリチュアルな受容性」を高める 別名「マスターヒーラー」
スピリチュアルな世界では、 金は、富と繁栄を引き寄せるための儀式に使用されており、それらは豊かさ、成功、目標の達成を表すものと考えられています。
①Salt from HamaHiga Island “God’s Island” Powerful Spiritual Protector and Talisman
Gold flakes serve as a powerful symbol of wealth and prosperity in the spiritual realm. They are considered representations of abundance, success, and the accomplishment of one’s goals.
In many spiritual practices, these tiny fragments of gold are used in rituals and ceremonies to attract wealth and prosperity, as it is believed their shimmering presence can call forth the energy of the universe to manifest these desires.
gold flakes symbolize the refined and purified essence of life.
Clear quartz, often referred to as the "Master Healer," is known for its ability to clear the mind of negativity and enhance higher spiritual receptiveness.
②Black Onyx
protect against evil and maintain inner balance. It still stands for the power of overcoming challenges, self-control, and determination, making it an important message for those looking for balance in their lives and empowerment.
③represent self-illumination, attraction, positivity, simplicity, and self-awareness love, passion, seasonal change, and departed souls, beauty and mystery
Fireflies glow to protect themselves from predators and how they glow is through an energy chemical reaction from the universe
They also glow to find their lover as well
This bracelet is designed to
Protect and push away evil
To Connect with your higher self, ancestors, angels, and spiritual messengers. This bracelet will also help connect you to universal energy helping you to feel grounded and at peace within yourself through the love of spirit.
Prayers while wearing this bracelet will help make your prayers come true and give you the power to manifest anything you put your mind and energy towards. One thing I ask is never to pray for anything evil against anyone or any situation. I do not except black magic, or evil spells. I ask for you to make prayers on self development, self empowerment, self love, connection with higher vibrations that will lead to positivity in your life , good luck and happiness.
・Sサイズ 内周15cm
・Mサイズ 内周17cm
・Lサイズ 内周19cm

2024年11月29日 00:00 に販売終了